Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm International Now! Part One

I want to take you guys back to the summer of 2004. This was the summer I went to Bulgaria for a mission trip. I'll keep it real and let you see things through my eyes. The events leading up to it and the time spent will be documented. I know you're ready, so let's get into it, ya heard?

It was a normal Sunday at my church when Bob Crews came up to me and asked me if I was interested in doing mission work. My first thought was, yeah I could do it. However, he told me that we would be going across the pond(that's what I call the Atlantic Ocean) to Europe. I'm like, are you for real? I most definitely had to be a part of it!! This was probably 3 months before the trip happened, so Justin, Bob, and myself had to go to an orientation discussing to events that lie ahead. They broke down the language that the people spoke, the shots we had to take to avoid disease, and other things. The guy said somethin' about how things were opposite. For example, if I was to nod my head yes, that means no! Say what?! They also talked about mafias over there. They say you can tell them from everybody else because they wore jewelry and rode around in Benzs. Well, that meant I had to leave my jewelry in the States. Really don't wanna cause trouble(even though I did... tell ya little later). With all this going on, I still had to request time off from my job. Honestly, I was worried. I had only been there for 5 months. How was I gonna ask for time off like that? I wasn't for sure that I was gonna be able to go. I guess my prayer was answered because my boss said I could go. I was pleasantly shocked. With that taken care of, I had to get my shots. I know this is hard to believe, considering I have tattoos, but I don't care for needles. I ain't gonna freak out, it's different when the needle is on the skin, where as the needle was going in. I'm not a veiny person, so they had to search for a vein. Really fun. About as fun your wisdom teeth getting yanked on. After that, all that was left was waiting for the trip. I had my doubts, I ain't gonna lie. I never been on an airplane. After the 9/11 stuff happened, I REALLY wasn't likin' airplanes. I never been outside the United States. Lookin' back now, I believe I was nervous about being taken outta my comfort zone. It's natural. Humans are creatures of habit. Talking to Justin about it eased my fears. Other than that, I was ready to roll. July came quick. Before you know it, I was telling my parents good-bye. I met Bob and Justin about 6 a.m so we could ride to Chicago to catch our flight. We got there about noon or 1 p.m. We were gonna take 2 flights. The first flight was from Chi-town to Germany. That was an over night flight. Let me tell you, airplanes are uncomfortable. I couldn't really relax like I wanted to. It didn't matter. I was really excited to be flying and I wasn't trippin'! The ladies who worked on the plane were very sexy! There's somethin' about women it uniform. They do it for me! Alright, I gettin' sidetracked. Back to the story(this ain't the last time I'm gonna talk about the ladies! Believe that!). The plane ride was an over night flight. They were showing movies on the flight. I remember watching Sherk 2. I love that movie. Pinnoco and Ginger Bread Man killed me! I was liking flying more and more!! Then they showed Dirty Dancing Havana Nights. One word: Lame. I think I fell asleep in the first 30 minutes of it. I couldn't change the channel like I could if I seen a lame movie like this. Eventually, we made it to Germany. I'm not an easy person to intimidate, but the guards were VERY scary. I knew security would be souped up, due to 9/11. These dudes had guns. I don't think they were AKs, but they had the long clip. But still, they had guns! I've shot little guns like 9 millies and 357s, but I never shot guns like they had. Anyway, we took the flight from Germany to Sophia, the capital of Bulgaria. Before that, I wanna tell a story. While we was on the plane, a little girl was an isle to my right. Just by looking at her, she was about to get sick. I pay her no mind and put my music on. All of the sudden: RRRFFFFFFF! The poor little girl is puking her guts out. You all know how puke smells really stanky? Yeah, it smelled really stanky!!!! We are all in a small area, so you can't get away from the funk! Anyway, we finally touch down on Friday afternoon. I'm jet lagged like a motha, but we gotta switch out our money. We meet up this dude named Skip. He told us that the people may try to rob us, so we needed to be careful. I remember telling him if somebody tries to rob me, that person is getting their ass kicked and I gettin' my money back! He looked at me awkwardly after I said that. I wasn't playin'! Ain't nobody gonna rob me and get away with my dough. I don't care where we at!!!! After we changed out out money, we walked around Sophia. Even though I was worn out, that wasn't gonna stop me from checkin' out the local ladies. I remember the guy at the orientation said they weren't hot. Who's he tryin' to lie to? These women was fine as they wanna be. Of course, I'm gettin' alot of stares. At first, I was getting mad. They was lookin' at me like they wanna do somethin' Where I'm from, that's grounds for fightin'. It's considered dissin'. You just don't do that, man. Then I looked at like this: I'm a stranger in a strange land. Just like a woman in L.A who has natural breast and can move her face because she hasn't been Bo toxed, or a New York Yankee fan who wasn't annoying, I was an oddity. I guess they don't see alot of Black people. Especially a 6'3 280 Black guy. It's just like Benton, just only over seas!!!! We made our rounds through the city and met up with our interpreter at that moment. Her name was Deniese. She's a really nice lady and answered all of our concerns. This is gonna be it for awhile. I will be comin' up with a part 2 eventually. The next segment will be on the actual activities at our work site. So until next time............

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random Stuff Floatin' in My Dome

I was reading a magazine last night and came across an article. The person asked if he could have dinner with 5 people, who would they be? I'm like, I gotta do somethin' like that. So here it is. I also have others things like islands, and people I'd punch and other things. Enjoy!!

5 people I'd invite over for dinner:
1. Jesus. I'm not for sure my Savior would like my pork chops, but I would love to rap with Him about the world today. I'm not sure I'd crack jokes, but we would have a good conversation.

2. 50 Cent. I know he wouldn't like my pork chops. He's a bigger gym freak than me. I would pick his brain about everything. This guy is one of the smartest people around. And he's a good rapper too!

3. Martin Luther King Jr. I would love to have him at my house. He definitely can make a speech at my dinner table and we'd all listen. One of the greatest men ever. I would thank him for helping us Blacks realize that we could rise above. I admit, some things are still tough as far as racism, but it ain't nearly as bad like it was in his time. RIP

4. Quinton Rampage Jackson. This MMA star is one of the most coolest. We would definitely get along. We would goof off until Jesus tell's us to chill. Of course we'd listen!!!

5. Kobiyasha. Yeah that Japanese dude who eats like a vacuum. I would challenge this dude. I would ask him(translator on hand) how he can all that much and not have his heart blow up. This cat is awesome!!!!

If I was on an island, what would I bring?

1. Kim Kardashian

2. Jessica Alba, and Biel

3. Halle Berry

4. Alicia Keys

5. Beyonce

I know you are sayin' to yourself: Why all females? I would need to re populate, so I think they would be suitable women to do this, right? Besides, I ain't doin' no work. I'll have the kids do it.

Men who have been an influence (outside of my dad)

1. Ted Scholes

2. John Margani my former Youth minister

3. Mike McConell

4. Jerry Ford my former Pastor

5. Mr. Shonecke the Wood shop teacher in High School

Women who have been an influence (outside Mom)

1. Mrs. Poole. My English teacher in High School

2. Erica Carter. Former boss at my old job the Hideout. My big sister!

3. Ashleigh Beltz. Been cool since forever. Very kind

4. Gail Orr. I used to help her with the nursery in my church.

5. Treca McConnel. My 2nd Mom!

If I could make the world a better place, I'd punch these jabronis in the face:

1. Bill O'Reilly: Self righteous jackass

2. Jose Conseco: Certified rat

3. The chick in the show I Love New York. I don't advocate violence on women, but if you seen her, that ain't no woman!!!!!

4. PETA. Camera whores

5. Those spoiled White girls on Sweet 16. Enough said!